Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Over years of providing a high-quality service at an affordable cost, we have gathered a lot of great reviews, from a lot of happy customers. From here, you can see what people are saying about our 5-star service.

Great Service Beautiful Results

Absolutely fantastic service from start to finish; Andy & Paul walked through what could be done in regards to repairing/powder coating so nothing was left to chance. Would highly recommend, great service, beautiful results and great company

Aiden MacIver

15 Sets of Wheels

Andy and his team have done 15 sets of wheels for me now and always do a top job. Many more to come too! 5star

Nath Longstaff

Alloy Repair after Valet damage

After a valet company kindly damaged my alloys these guys have really impressed me with the advice given and standard of work.
Would definitely recommend and more importantly would definitely use their service again if required.

Paul Boldison

Gloss black 18″ alloys

Amazing job done on a set of 18 inch alloys, wanted them gloss black. Very good high quality finish. All done in a day very quick turn around. 10/10 would highly recommend these for any wheel referb/respray. Got it done for a very good price too

Lewis Stevenson

Powder Coating silver to gloss black

Brought car from Belfast – 8am drop off and 4:30pm pickup same day. Great job by the team turning silver alloys into gloss black. Superb all round service from TWS. Excellent price too for service!

Neal McCausland

Colour Match & Powder Coating

Amazing job yet again. A difficult colour to match but looks perfect to me. Thank you again!

Rachel Agar

Diamond Cut Wheel Refurb & Powder Coating

Great service, wheels diamond cut and powder coated, they look fantastic , callipers painted as well .. prices are unbeatable as far as I’m concerned

Stu Dawsa

Powder Coating & Reburb

Just had 4 corners of a car I bought refurbed by TWS.
They weren’t in the best of conditions (paint wise).
I was recommended TWS by a mate in the car refinish industry.
Have to say. Fantastic jod. Thank you very much lads. Great job and service.
Ian Reid
